vanilla Coconut yogurt pancakes gf/df

Pancakes… the most fluffy traditional American breakfast you could think of. But then… the butter, milk, gluten, syrup… your tummy feels it afterwards am I right?

Not with this replication. I actually feel incredible after this energizing breakfast.



Crêpe Recipe:

  • 40g (1/2 cup) gluten free oats

  • 85g plain coconut yogurt

  • 1 tbsp honey

  • 1 egg

  • 1/2 tsp baking powder

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

  • pinch of salt

  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon

  • 15g vegan vanilla protein (optional) I use @foursigmatic


  • fresh berries, organic maple syrup, coconut yogurt, coconut flakes, apple sauce.


In a medium bowl, whisk all ingredients together until thoroughly blended and no lumps remain. Yes seriously it’s a one bowl recipe! So easy!

Heat a non-stick pan to medium high heat, pour batter (should make 3 small pancakes). Mix in optional berries or chocolate chips. Once the middle and edges starts to bubble (approximately 2 mins), flip and cook for another minute.

Repeat until you have used all of your batter.

Top with your favorite nuts, fruit, and syrup!


~Muscle Missy



the best healthy chili recipe


Gluten Free lemon blueberry Crêpes